The Criminal Investigations Bureau (CIB) is incorporated within The Voorhees Township Police Department. The primary function of the CIB is to review and conduct follow up investigations to most reported crimes. This includes conducting crime scene operations and evidence collection, narcotics investigations, identifying suspects, interviews, arrests, undercover operations and search warrant executions. The CIB is compromised of one Detective Sergeant, six detectives and one crime scene / evidence officer. There is at least one detective on call 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The Camden County Prosecutors Office assists with most major crimes.
Because Voorhees Township is a very desirable town to live and work in, the calls for service volume has increased, hence there has been a need for more detectives to conduct the many investigations that are initially handled by patrol officers. Many of these crimes have a potential of being prevented. Being trusting people that we are, many of us tend to overlook the obvious. If it looks out of the ordinary to you, DO NOT HESITATE to call the police. AT the very least, if someone has a bad intent, they may move along at the first sign of a patrol car. Don’t be afraid to get involved, this is your community and we are here to serve you however, we rely on you to let us know where attention is needed. All the officers in the Voorhees Township Police Department are highly skilled and are dedicated to insuring a good quality of life for everyone.
During many investigations we find that if the victim would have taken some simple precautions they may not have been victimized. From simply locking vehicle doors, bringing a child’s bicycle in, keeping a pocketbook or wallet close at hand when shopping or not giving out personal information to strangers could keep you safe. You may have viewed a TV clip lately about identity theft. With the internet in most homes these days, it is very tempting to shop over the net. Keep in mind that many web sites are not secure sites and even those that are, hackers can find a way into web sites. Before you know it, someone else has obtained your identity and may be out making purchases and at the same time, bringing you a major headache at the very least. Keep your identity, credit cards and financial account information to yourself. DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION OVER THE PHONE unless YOU have made the call and you are CERTAIN your information will not be compromised. Should you feel that someone has obtained your personal information (identity, credit cards, financial) contact the three (3) leading credit reporting agencies, they will be able to assist you and by all means, contact the police. These agencies are: CBA 888-397-3742, Equifax 800-525-6285, and Trans Union 800-680-7289. For more crime prevention tips and programs go to the National Crime Prevention Council’s web page CLICK HERE.
The Voorhees Township Police CIB is actively involved with the Camden County Detectives Association and we work closely with surrounding municipalities as well as State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. Through this cooperated effort, we have been able to bring to a close many crimes in Voorhees Township which helps us maintain a good quality of life for all those who live, work or just pass through Voorhees Twp. Should you have any questions, comments or wish to drop an anonymous tip, please contact any detective at 856-428-5400.